
'The Dancing Madonna'
In the fall of 2017 we will present this new play. It will be a multi-disciplinairy performance on location that centers around Piet Mondriaan.
Annemarie at Shakespeare&Company, Massachussetts, USA.
Annemarie de Bruijn participated the month-long-intensive actorstraining at Shakespeare&Company. After having met Tina Packer, founding-father of the company, at several international Shakespeare Festivals Annemarie found herself in the USA to learn more about Shakespeare and to meet other Shakespeare lovers from all over the world. An inspiring month filled with sonnets, scenework and monologues.
A new review appeared online!
Frans Janssen reviewed Lady M. after seeing it on the 26th of November 2016 at the Royal Theatre in The Hague. Read the entire review here!
De Bruijn’s virtuoso performance in this one-woman show conveyed all of these rapid twists in her character’s consciousness with great conviction.
Het Vijfde Bedrijf went to Shanghai!
On the 10th of Septembre 2016 the Lady M team jumpt on a plane to China. We were invited by the Theatre Academy in Shanghai to attend the Shakespeare Festival in Shanghai.
Pictures of this adventure on our facebook-page.
Our travels where supported by the Dutch Consulate in Shanghai.